The Truth About Making Friends in College

Hey, guys! So, this is a topic that has been on my mind for a while now. Let me give you some background to my college journey to put this into perspective for you.

When I graduated high school, I knew that the university I would be attending was not the place for me. Not only was it just not the right fit for me but they did not offer my major. Now, you might be asking why I attended school there if I did not like it there. Well, it was a school that guranteed to transfer almost every single class I would take there. I went to this university for 3 semester (fall, spring, and summer) just to knock out some core classes and pre-requiste classes for higher level classes at my next university. After one semester at this university, I got accepted for the following fall at my choice university. I was so excited to start at my dream school in the fall which sort of made my spring and summer semesters kind of miserable because again like I said, I did not want to be there.

So currently I attend a wonderful university. I love how big the student population is and how the area is a true college town. I love the atmosphere and I feel like people are generally pretty nice. However, the one thing I am really struggling with even after 2 full semesters of classes here is finding friends. I know a few people who also transferred here at the same time I did from my previous university but I rarely see them due to difference in schedules, different majors, and having classes in different parts of campus. If I do see someone I know, I always try to say hello or smile and wave just to be friendly but it's not like I have a full conversation with them or ever hang out outside of school.

I know partly it is my own shyness and introverted tendences that get in my own way of meeting people but I am just finding it difficult to find my people. Everyone always says you met your best friends in college and I want to believe that but at the moment I am having trouble. I am hoping by the fall once I am hands-deep in classes for major and having way smaller classes that I will meet some more people with similar interests and hopefully be-friend at least one person.

I will obviously keep you posted with anything that comes about but for now to anyone out there struggling to find friends, just keep your head up and do the best that you can. I know in my heart it will get better but it's not in my timing, it's God's timing. I am just trying to focus and remember that and be as open as I can to new opportunities and new people I may come across.


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