5 Things I've Learned Junior Year of College

Hey, guys! Welcome back to my blog. Today I wanted to reflect on the end of my junior year of college. It's so crazy how quickly it went by and I am so excited to be in my last year of college.

1. Get to know people in your major--I felt my freshman and sophomore year I didn't know anyone in my major or at least did not know their name. This year I had a lot of group projects which sort of forced me to work with other people in my classes and allowed me to get to know people around me. It's definitely important to make those connections with people around you since you are going to be working together in classes now and possibly working them in the future.

2. Apply what you are learning--This may seem like a no-brainer but often times in college it feels like you are just studying for test after test. You need to remember that being in college is supposed to prepare you for the real world where you'll be applying your knowledge you learned in school. I think this is a tip I myself even need to work on more as I enter into my internship this summer and my senior year in fall.

3. Do your best and have fun while doing it--It sounds cliche but yes, do your best. I've been told to work hard my whole life and I think that is something I do well when I put my mind to it. But sometimes I focus too much on the work and forget to enjoy what I'm learning and doing. I need to remember that I'm studying something I am passionate about and to take a moment to enjoy what I've learned and achieved.

4. Find a good internship ASAP--The biggest source of stress for me this year was finding an internship. I started searching and apply pretty early on in the fall semester and did not land my internship position until April. I was so stressed and worried I wouldn't find an internship for summer but luckily that was not the case. I just want to tell anyone looking or applying for internships to just keep working at and that it will all pay off soon. Remember to keep making connections, interviewing with companies, talking with various leaders in companies about their experiences, as well as your fellow classmates.

5. Remember to take time for yourself--This was one of the most stressful years of college since it is a lot of preparing for finding a future career. I have to remind myself to take some time to focus on myself and make sure I am taking care of myself first before getting my to-do list done.

Well, that's all I have for you guys. I hope you enjoyed my reflection and tips on my junior year of college. Stay tuned for more college-related content. See you next time!


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