Relationship Advice for Couples doing Long Distance
Hey, guys! So I realized I hadn't posted any kind of update on my relationship in like 2 here is your update! Cam and I are still together and are coming up on our 4-year anniversary. That's crazy! I never would have imagined myself doing long distance for so long. Good thing he's worth it. Anyway, I wanted to share some of my relationship advice for those also doing long distance even if it's for a short amount of time. These tips can also apply to couples not doing long distance as well.
1. Take time out of your day to talk with them--One of the best things about my relationship with Cam is the fact that we call each other almost every single day. I really value this time to just catch up and talk with one another. So be sure to set aside time to just have some one-on-one time with your partner whether it be every day or once a week.
2. Find ways to spend time together while being apart--That might sound confusing but it's rather simple. For example, you and your partner could plan to have a movie night where you Facetime each other and watch the same movie at the same time. You could also Facetime and make a meal together. One thing Cam and I like to do this play Jackbox together with his friends. It's so much and makes it feel like we are all in the same room despite not actually being together.
3. Send them things that make you think of them--This could be something like sending them a small gift or simply sending them a funny meme on Twitter. Cam and I are always sending funny videos back and forth just to make each other laugh.
4. Plan visits to see each other--Obviously, I love spending time with Cam because it is a special treat to be together in person. A big thing for me is always having a trip planned so it gives me something to look forward to and just gives me peace of mind knowing I'll see him again soon. Also, you can plan an activity to do or place you want to go while you are together to further add to your visit.
5. Have an end goal in mind--This is a HUGE part of any relationship but especially long-distance relationships. It makes it much easier having a plan for the future of what your relationship will look like in a certain amount of time. Like for me, once I finish school, Cam and I want to get married and live together wherever I can find a job. Having that plan in my mind gives me something to focus on and lets me know that long-distance is not forever.
1. Take time out of your day to talk with them--One of the best things about my relationship with Cam is the fact that we call each other almost every single day. I really value this time to just catch up and talk with one another. So be sure to set aside time to just have some one-on-one time with your partner whether it be every day or once a week.
2. Find ways to spend time together while being apart--That might sound confusing but it's rather simple. For example, you and your partner could plan to have a movie night where you Facetime each other and watch the same movie at the same time. You could also Facetime and make a meal together. One thing Cam and I like to do this play Jackbox together with his friends. It's so much and makes it feel like we are all in the same room despite not actually being together.
3. Send them things that make you think of them--This could be something like sending them a small gift or simply sending them a funny meme on Twitter. Cam and I are always sending funny videos back and forth just to make each other laugh.
4. Plan visits to see each other--Obviously, I love spending time with Cam because it is a special treat to be together in person. A big thing for me is always having a trip planned so it gives me something to look forward to and just gives me peace of mind knowing I'll see him again soon. Also, you can plan an activity to do or place you want to go while you are together to further add to your visit.
5. Have an end goal in mind--This is a HUGE part of any relationship but especially long-distance relationships. It makes it much easier having a plan for the future of what your relationship will look like in a certain amount of time. Like for me, once I finish school, Cam and I want to get married and live together wherever I can find a job. Having that plan in my mind gives me something to focus on and lets me know that long-distance is not forever.
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