5 Things I've Learned Senior Year of College

Hey, guys! Welcome back to my blog. Today I wanted to reflect on the end of my senior year of college. It's seems like just yesterday I was starting my first day of freshman year. In a way, I am grateful for how much I've grown over these last 4 years. 

1. Create time for the people and things you enjoy the most--Senior year can be very relaxed for some but for me it was not, well at least before COVID-19 shut down campus right after spring break. If I could go back, I would make more of an effort to spend time with people rather than staying in my apartment. 

2. Find ways to stay motivated--With the last few months of this last semester being all online, it was difficult to find motivation to get my schoolwork done. However, I had to force myself to sit down when I was the most motivated and get as much done as I could so that relax later on. One trick that works for me is rewarding yourself with short breaks of something you enjoy like playing a game with a family member, doing a quick chore, or talking to a friend. 

3. Get involved with a good church community--For my first few years of college, I struggled to find a church that was the right fit and I got discouraged causing me to not attend regularly. However, my senior year I promised myself I would find somewhere to go to church. I found a great church in my area that was exactly what I was looking for and made me feel welcome. I encourage anyone in college to keep trying out different churches even if it different from what you may have grown up with because it is worth it. 

4. Start early on the job search--Going into senior year, I was nervous for what I might actually do in the "real world" one day. To this day, I don't have an exact answer yet but I have taken steps to help me get there. I go more in depth on this exact topic on my last blog post you can find here

5. College is some of the best and worst years of your life--No ones college experience is perfect. Everyone goes through rough patches and we make mistakes. Your experience is what you make it and you can decide how you grow from it. I'll leave you with this, treasure your time in college because it is over before you know it. 


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